Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited

Social Emotional Training Series for Ethnic Minority Children and Parents (Part III)
To train ethnic minority (EM) parents on how to regulate their own emotions with parenting skills as well as train EM children with social emotional skills to build their resilience

United States, USD $40,200 | 2024

Blythedale Children's Hospital

Parent and Family Education Program (PFE)
To bring awareness and provide educational tools to help parents/caregivers learn how to care for a child with medical complexity (CMC)

United States, USD $30,000 | 2024

Cardinal McCloskey School and Home for Children

Home-Based Coaching for Foster Parents
To enable foster parents to assess and meet the complex needs of children in their care and prevent re-traumatization, through improved, trauma-informed parenting practice, resulting in greater emotional stability, sense of safety, and capacity for self-advocacy and regulation among children

United States, USD $40,000 | 2024


Pregnant and Parenting Youth (PPY) Initiative
To increase the safety and stability of pregnant and parenting youth and their young families, and to reduce the risk of child abuse/neglect and foster care placement of children born to youth who have experienced foster care

United States, USD $50,000 | 2024

Center for Evaluation and Counseling, Inc.

Forensic Services: Assessment and Treatment of Child Abuse
To provide forensic assessment and mental health treatment to children and parents in families where child abuse/neglect has occurred, to heal trauma and improve well-being

United States, USD $25,000 | 2024

Children’s Rights, Inc.

Are You Listening Youth-led Collaborative
To create a youth-led collaborative empowering individuals with prior congregate or group foster placement experiences to advocate for and shape public policies that will end the institutionalization of children in New York State

United States, USD $40,000 | 2024

Citizens' Committee for Children of New York

Child Welfare Provider Survey on Program Effeciency, Participant Needs, and Workforce Stability
to understand the current needs of families involved in child welfare prevention services, as well as gain a deeper understanding of the challenges facing the preventive services workforce, in order to inform opportunities to support this workforce, strengthen service parameters and ensure providers can meet the needs children and families are presenting

United States, USD $25,000 | 2024

Connecticut Institute for the Blind (d.b.a. Oak Hill)

Center for Relationship and Sexuality Education (CRSE) at Oak Hill
To broaden access to important sexual health information and address the overwhelming vulnerability to sexual abuse experienced by the intellectual and developmental disability (I/DD) community

United States, USD $48,000 | 2024

Court Appointed Special Advocates of New Jersey

Ensuring Support for NJ’s Abused and Neglected Children
To continue to implement trainings for the network of CASA staff and volunteers throughout NJ, ensuring uniform delivery of exceptional advocacy and support for every child in out-of-home placements in NJ so that they have the opportunity to thrive in a safe and loving home

United States, USD $50,000 | 2024

Fostering Change for Children

Children’s Corps
To infuse the NYC child welfare system with incredible frontline workers and future leaders with a high retention rate in order to strengthen families and improve permanency outcomes for children

United States, USD $40,000 | 2024

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

SAVI Pediatric SAFE Project
To establish acute services for minors experiencing sexual and/or family violence

United States, USD $50,000 | 2024


Love146 Transitional Services Program
To provide services that help youth (ages 16-24) who have experienced trafficking victimization successfully transition to adulthood and obtain economic independence

United States, USD $50,000 | 2024


Post-Permanency Support Program (PPSP)
To provide families with post-foster care stability and support services

United States, USD $50,000 | 2024

Mid-Fairfield Child Guidance Center Inc.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Initiative
To reduce emotional distress associated with traumatic memories and improve overall mental health and wellbeing

United States, USD $40,000 | 2024

New York Council on Adoptable Children (COAC)

Resilience for Youth in Adoptive and Kinship Families
To build individual strengths for young people in adoptive and kinship, and also to reduce their trauma – through mental health counseling, group bonding activities with other youth, and workshops for parents and program staff to increase care provided to young people with a past history of abuse, neglect, and maltreatment.

United States, USD $50,000 | 2024

New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NYSPCC)

Trauma Recovery Program
To help children and youth, who have survived abuse, neglect, and other traumatic experiences, develop coping skills and reduce their trauma symptoms

United States, USD $50,000 | 2024

New York University

Safe Mothers, Safe Children
To strengthen and preserve families, prevent maltreatment recidivism, and alleviate maternal symptoms of PTSD/depression, by delivering and evaluating (in a NIH-supported, randomized control trial (RCT) setting) a promising therapeutic intervention which has been shown in previous research to reduce or eliminate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in mothers, while also bolstering parenting skills that can support positive parenting behaviors, improve child well-being, and reduce maltreatment recidivism

United States, USD $40,000 | 2024

Power of Two, a project of the Fund for the City of New York

Fostering Relationships
To improve the quality of visitation for child and birth parent, to improve relationships between birth parent and foster parent and to increase parent sensitive in birth parent

United States, USD $35,000 | 2024 Inc

SafeBAE Peer Educator Training
To train 1000 students as Certified Peer Educators in dating violence prevention

United States, USD $25,000 | 2024

The Center for Family Justice

Pathways to HOPE
To give back to children and teens the childhood’s they have lost because of trauma

United States, USD $30,000 | 2024

The Child Center of NY

Development of Parenting Skills for Underserved Immigrant Populations
To reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect by helping parents reduce stress, improve parent-child relationships, and adopt positive parenting practices

United States, USD $30,000 | 2024

The Deirdre O'Brien Child Advocacy Center Inc (Deirdre's House)

Expansion of Bi-Lingual Clinical Counseling Program for Child Victims of Abuse and/or Neglect
To reduce symptomology (i.e. self-harm, sexualized behavior, suicidal ideation, prevention of revictimization, and successfully eliminating signs of trauma in child victims that would not otherwise have access to trauma-focused clinical counseling

United States, USD $30,000 | 2024

The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services

Preventive Services - Parenting Journey
To reduce abuse and neglect by focusing on family strengths, rather than pathology, to help parents understand their children's needs

United States, USD $50,000 | 2024

The New York Foundling

School-Based Mental Health Services Program
To make mental health services accessible to children & families through public schools

United States, USD $40,000 | 2024

Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights

Support for New York Child Advocate Program
To advocate for the best interests of the most vulnerable unaccompanied and separated immigrant children in federal detention through the provision of independent Child Advocates

Cayman Islands, KYD $23,500 | 2024

Alex Panton Foundation

Kids Helpline Project
to provide a safe, confidential Helpline for kids and teens to use, and provide educational materials on different mental health topics

Cayman Islands, KYD $40,000 | 2024

Cayman Islands Crisis Centre

TAYA Lounge
to break the cycle of generational abuse and equip our youth for a successful future

Cayman Islands, KYD $45,000 | 2024

Cayman Islands Early Childhood Association

Cayman Islands Early Child Development Hub
To provide local research, teacher training, parent education and support, provision of high quality childcare

Cayman Islands, KYD $11,500 | 2024

Cayman Islands Health Services Authority

Child Abuse Intervention & Treatment Program
to complete the refurbishment of the primary therapy space at our MASH office and expand our reach in the department by resourcing the role of our Psychology Assistants so that they can provide support to referrals being made both to the MASH as well as the wider department (in particular Alex's Place)

Cayman Islands, KYD $40,000 | 2024

Cayman Islands Red Cross

Protection Starts Here
To increase target population's knowledge of child sexual & emotional abuse

Cayman Islands, KYD $39,173.46 | 2024

Children & Youth Services (CAYS) Foundation

Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Integration Project
To build the capacity of service leadership to use Safe Crisis Management (SCM) principles to safely respond to crisis situations, to be able to train 40+ staffers in house to do the same and to continue to integrate Trauma Informed Care (TIC) throughout CAYS Foundation

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2024

Department of Children and Family Services

Youth Diversion
To commence trauma-informed interventions for At-Risk-Youth: therapeutic assessment, care plan, and services

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2024

Department of Counselling Services - Family Resource Centre

STOP NOW AND PLAN (SNAP) Clinical Camp Programme
To increase emotional regulation, self-control and problem-solving skills by delivering an intensive clinical summer camp programme to children ages 6-11 and supporting parents with follow up parenting services.

Cayman Islands, KYD $26,000 | 2024


Special Education Tutor/Mentor
To support the academic, emotional and social needs of the children in our foster care facility

Cayman Islands, KYD $28,684 | 2024


Mentoring Programs and Services
To increase mentoring programs offered to children, youths, teen parents, and young adults in our community.

Cayman Islands, KYD $28,000 | 2024

YMCA of the Cayman Islands

YMCA Prevent & Protect 2024
To increase the level of awareness of what constitutes child abuse & how to report it

Canada, CAD $20,000 | 2024

Victim Services of Durham Region

Human Trafficking Intervention and Prevention Supports (HIPS)
To connect human traffcking survivors to resources and supports

United States, USD $20,000 | 2024

Imagination Theater

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program (CSAPP)
To educate students, teachers, and school staff about sexual harm prevention, including body autonomy, safe vs. unsafe touch, and how to get help

United States, USD $20,000 | 2024

Juvenile Protective Association

Grandparent Project
To increase “protective factors” for adolescent girls in communities that are hardest hit by violence, poverty, and disinvestment, thereby allowing them to feel more supported

United States, USD $15,000 | 2024

Primo Center for Women and Children

Home Visiting for Primo Center Families
To improve parenting skills for homeless families through the home visiting program

United States, USD $20,000 | 2024

Teen Parent Connection

Young Father Engagement
To provide young fathers with individualized parenting education and support by engaging them through case management, therapeutic counseling, parent groups, and home visiting services to meet their immediate and long-term needs

United States, USD $15,000 | 2024

Turning Point, Inc.

Specialized Children's Programming
To provide services to create safety planning, i.e. how to identify a safe adult and things they can do when they do not feel safe and to reinforce the fact that the violence in their home is not their fault

United States, USD $20,000 | 2024

Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights

Support for Young Center’s Technical Assistance Program
To ensure immigrant/non-citizen children and youth in the state child welfare and juvenile justice systems have equitable access to family unity, identity, language, culture, well-being, and safety.

United States, USD $15,000 | 2024

Child and Family Advocacy Center dba Blue Sky Bridge

Blue Sky Bridge: School-Based and Community Prevention Education Program
To empower children and educate adults every year through its School-Based and Community Prevention Education program, which provides curriculum, training, resources, and outreach materials to students, safe and supportive adults, and community members, with the goal of ending child sexual abuse

United States, USD $15,000 | 2024

Denver Children’s Advocacy Center

Denver Safe from the Start
To prevent child abuse and family violence while fostering healthy childhood development and readiness to learn

United States, USD $10,000 | 2024

The Crawford Child Advocacy Center

Child Abuse Prevention
To make children harder to victimize to prevent maltreatment and abuse

United States, USD $30,000 | 2024

Family Paths

Parent Education Program
To reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect and improve the overall wellbeing of children and families by promoting and strengthening the protective factors, effective co-parenting and communication skills and positive parenting strategies

United States, USD $30,000 | 2024

Homeless Children's Network

Ma'at Youth and Family Peer Healing Convenings
To provide innovative, Afri-centric healing support for marginalized Black/African American children, youth, and parents/caregivers through Homeless Children’s Network’s (HCN’s) groundbreaking Ma’at program and host two healing convenings to center the community’s experience with violence and intergenerational trauma

United States, USD $30,000 | 2024


Let’s Talk About It
To provide increased access to trauma-informed, culturally competent services and build a network of support; to increase access to individual and familial support services to address issues of domestic violence, mental illness, homelessness, and substance abuse school or an alternative education program; to train receipient to identify, dangerous situations and engage in support systems that reducing trauma and build strengths, resilience, and coping skills to prepare for successful and stable adulthood

United Kingdom, £30,000 | 2024

Dandelion Time

Family Support Programme Expansion: North and East Kent
To achieve sustainable positive change to the lives of children affected by abuse, helping them to overcome trauma and build resilience

United Kingdom, £30,000 | 2024

Kids Inspire

Talk Together
To provide bespoke therapeutic support to enable children, young people and their families to recover from trauma and thrive

United Kingdom, £28,675 | 2024

LMK (Let Me Know)

Scaling an Evidence-Based Prevention Programme
To break the cycle of abusive relationships among young people throughout London who are most at risk of experiencing unhealthy relationships - as a victim or a perpetrator

United Kingdom, £15,000 | 2024

Redthread Youth Limited

Youth Violence Intervention Programme
To reduce young people’s risk of exploitation and involvement in violence in South London and surrounding areas.

United Kingdom, £30,000 | 2024

Safer London

Harmful Sexual Behaviours Intervention Service
To provide boys and young men displaying harmful sexual behaviour with the knowledge, skills and confidence to challenge their own and the views of those around them, and to empower them to make positive choices

United Kingdom, £15,000 | 2024

The For Baby's Sake Trust

For Baby's Sake
to reduce the harm caused by domestic abuse – in the lifetime of babies and parents and for generations to come – and to empower both parents to provide the sensitive, attuned care their babies need to develop and thrive

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

ChickenSoup Foundation

Project SOUL Care 2.0
To address the root causes of family problems and empower the family's caretaker via trauma healing and coaching for a healthy lifestyle to prevent intergenerational trauma

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation

Primary 1 to 3 Students' Sex Education Program
To protect P.1-3 students from sexual abuse by providing preventive education

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

Equal Justice Limited

Free Legal Support for Disadvantaged, Vulnerable Children and Families
To help children with improved access to healthcare, education, welfare support and housing and help parent(s) secure better financial means to provide for the child and protect them from abuse

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024


Mental Health Supports for Victim-Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
To provide mental health supports for victim-survivors of child sexual abuse

Asia, HKD $200,000 | 2024

Teen's Key - Young Women Development Network Limited

Young Mother Safeguarder
To mitigate the risk of child abuse by empowering and strengthening the support system for grassroots young mothers in Hong Kong

United States, USD $25,000 | 2023

Casa Central Social Services Corporation

Violence Prevention and Intervention (VPI) Safe Start
To help families and individuals who have experienced violence and trauma gain access to quality mental health services to heal from their past traumas, break the cycle of violence, strengthen caregiver-child relationships, increase safety, and lead healthy, fulfilling lives.

United States, USD $24,495 | 2023

Children's Research Triangle

Family MIND
To increase the availability of child abuse prevention and treatment services for children and their families.

United States, USD $25,000 | 2023

Imagination Theater

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program (CSAPP)
This program educates children and staff at schools on sexual harm prevention, including body autonomy, safe/unsafe touch, consent, online safety, and identifying safe adults whom children can turn to for help if their safety is compromised.

United States, USD $12,500 | 2023

Primo Center for Women and Children

Home Visiting for Primo Center Families
Improvement of parenting skills for homeless families through the home visiting program, which helps prevent child abuse and supports health child development in at-risk families.

United States, USD $12,500 | 2023

Teen Parent Connection

Young Father Engagement
To provide young fathers with individualized parenting education and support by engaging them through case management, therapeutic counseling, parent groups, and home visiting services to meet their immediate and long-term needs.

United States, USD $12,500 | 2023

Turning Point, Inc.

Specialized Children's Programming
Children who have witnessed or experienced domestic violence will be able to identify things they can do to stay safe and to understand that the violence is not their fault.

United States, USD $20,000 | 2023

Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights

Support for Young Center’s Technical Assistance Program
To ensure immigrant/non-citizen children and youth in the domestic child welfare and juvenile justice systems have equitable access to family unity, identity, language, culture, well-being, and safety.

United States, USD $25,000 | 2023

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago

Strong Families Parent Mentor Program
To build family strength, foster family resilience and minimize the risk of child abuse and neglect through our evidence-based curriculum.

United States, USD $35,740 | 2023

Blythedale Children's Hospital

Child and Family Education Program
To bring awareness and education to caregivers and healthcare professionals about the importance of proactively identifying and addressing mental health concerns exist rather than reacting when unintentional medical neglect has already occurred.

United States, USD $20,862 | 2023

Center for Evaluation and Counseling, Inc.

Forensic Services
To provide forensic assessment and mental health treatment to children and parents in families where child abuse/neglect has occurred to heal trauma and improve well-being.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Citizens' Committee for Children of New York

Data analysis around essential investments in child and family services
To better understand commonalities as well as shared strengths and challenges related to the presence or absence of resources and services in New York City communities with high levels of child welfare involvement, and advocating for essential investments based on these findings.

United States, USD $37,000 | 2023

Court Appointed Special Advocates of New Jersey

Supporting NJ’s Abused and Neglected Children through Building Resilience and Coping Skills
To provide CASA volunteers statewide with robust child advocacy trainings is to equip them with knowledge and resources to make assessments of children’s needs and recommend best placement as well as their behavioral health, educational, and social service needs so that they can thrive, begin the healing process, and prepare for successful and stable adulthoods.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Court Appointed Special Advocates of New York City (CASA-NYC)

Pregnant and Parenting Youth Initiative
To increase the safety and stability of pregnant and parenting youth and their young families, and to reduce the risk of child abuse/neglect and foster care placement of children born to youth who have experienced foster care.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Fostering Change for Children

Children's Corps
To infuse the NYC child welfare system with incredible frontline workers with a high retention rate in order to strengthen families and improve permanency outcomes for children.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Graham Windham

Family Success Initiative
To keep children and families safe and make sure that they have all that they need to thrive.

United States, USD $10,000 | 2023

Hidden Water Inc

Prevention through Healing and Education
To develop a scalable child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention training model for adults impacted by child sexual abuse and develop bonded and consistent groups of trained adults from a given community who actively work to prevent CSA within their communities.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

SAVI Pediatric SAFE Project
Goals include establishing acute services for minors experiencing sexual and/or family violence.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2023

Lil’ Iguana’s Children’s Safety Foundation

Lil’ Iguana LIVE! at the Garde Arts Center
To empower children with the knowledge and skills necessary to stay safe from abuse and abduction

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Love146, Inc.

U.S. Survivor Care Program
to provide services that help children and their families/caregivers understand, respond, and recover from the impact of child trafficking and exploitation.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research at New York University Silver School of Social Work

Safe Mothers, Safe Children
To strengthen and preserve families, prevent maltreatment recidivism, and alleviate maternal PTSD/depression, by delivering and evaluating (in a NIH-supported, randomized control trial (RCT) setting) a promising therapeutic intervention which has been shown in previous research to reduce or eliminate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in mothers, while also imparting parenting skills that can support healthy mother-child bonding, improve parenting behaviors, improve child well-being, and dramatically reduce maltreatment recidivism.

United States, USD $10,000 | 2023


A Safe Way Forward (IPV Program)
To prevent out of home placement by keeping children safe with family, reinforce the elimination of violent and coercive couple behavior, integrate effective, sustainable safety plans to prevent and de-escalate situations that have the potential for violence, address the causes of the couple’s violent behavior patterns, address the emotional and behavioral problems that a child may be demonstrating as a result of maltreatment and trauma related to IPV exposure, improve family functioning and effective partnering/co-parenting when safe to do so.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Mid Fairfield Child Guidance Center

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) Initiative
1) Reduce PTSD symptoms among clients receiving services; 2) Increase client’s use of community resources; and 3) Increase the coping skills of client's receiving services.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Power of Two

Power of Two Community Program
To serve 300 caregiver-child dyads with the ABC parent coaching program and linkages to additional community supports.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2023

The Child Center of NY

Development of Parenting Skills for Underserved Immigrant Populations
To help parents reduce parenting stress, improve parent-child relationships, and adopt positive parenting practices, which as a result reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2023

The Deirdre O'Brien Child Advocacy Center Inc. (Deirdre's House)

Bi-Lingual Clinical Counseling for Child Victims of Abuse and/or Neglect
The goal of the program is to reduce symptomology (i.e. self-harm, sexualized behavior, suicidal ideation), preventing revictimization, and successfully eliminating signs of trauma in child victims.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2023

The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc.

Parenting Journey Groups
To focus on strengths rather than pathology by using family systems concepts to help to improve parenting skills and family relationships.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2023

The Korean American Family Service Center

Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Program (CAPIP)
To reduce, prevent, and intervene in child abuse (CA) within the Asian and Korean American community in the New York Tri-State area.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

The New York Foundling

School-Based Mental Health Services Program
To make mental health services accessible to children & families through public schools

United States, USD $30,000 | 2023

The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children

Trauma Recovery Program
Children attending weekly trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) at The NYSPCC will see a reduction in their trauma symptoms.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights

Support for the New York Child Advocate Program
1) to provide 230 unaccompanied and separated immigrant children in ORR custody with a Child Advocate; 2) to conduct two volunteer trainings; and 3) to recruit at least 30 new volunteers.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2023

Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights

Support for the New York Child Advocate Program
1) to provide 230 unaccompanied and separated immigrant children in ORR custody with a Child Advocate; 2) to conduct two volunteer trainings; and 3) to recruit at least 30 new volunteers.

United Kingdom, £20,000 | 2023

Cambridge Acorn Project

Trauma Recovery
To provide treatment for economically deprived children, who have experienced abuse, through flexibly funded bespoke therapeutic packages designed to reduce symptoms of trauma and promote long-term recovery.

United Kingdom, £30,000 | 2023

Dandelion Time

Restoring Hope to Children Impacted by Abuse
To support children to overcome trauma and abuse.

United Kingdom, £27,600 | 2023

Kids Inspire

Talk Together
To provide bespoke therapeutic support to enable children, adolescents and their families who have experienced abuse to move forward and live fulfilling lives.

United Kingdom, £24,000 | 2023

Marie Collins Foundation

Technology Assisted Child Sexual Abuse (TACSA) Recovery Pack
To develop an evaluated resource built on research and informed by the experiences of victims and survivors of these experiences that practitioners can use to support a child who has been sexually harmed.

United Kingdom, £24,000 | 2023

Redthread Youth Limited

Youth Violence Intervention Programme King's College Hospital
To reduce young people’s risk exploitation and involvement in violence in South London and the surrounding areas.

United Kingdom, £30,000 | 2023

Safer London

Harmful Sexual Behaviours Intervention Service
To provide boys and young men displaying harmful sexual behaviour with the knowledge, skills and confidence to challenge their own and the views of those around them, and to empower them to make positive choices.

United States, USD 20,000 | 2023

Advocates for Children

Hope in Your Home
To provide a free, evidence-based home visitation program that guides caregivers with practical strategies to help them confidently manage their children’s behavior and build healthy relationships.

United States, USD $10,000 | 2023

Cobb Collaborative

Prevent Child Abuse GA - Cobb Council
To Equip child-facing adults in our community with knowledge and resources to protect children and prevent maltreatment.

United States, USD $15,000 | 2023

Georgia Center for Child Advocacy

Prevention & Education Program ~ Strengthening Resilience and Protective Factors Statewide
To prevent child sexual abuse, reduce childhood trauma, and promote healthy outcomes in Georgia through a collaborative effort that equips adults with awareness, education, and resources to take action.

United States, USD $20,000 | 2023

Prevent Child Abuse Gordon County, Inc.

Parenting with a Purpose
To build nurturing parenting skills as an alternative to abusive and neglectful parenting and child-rearing.

United States, USD $20,000 | 2023

SafePath Children’s Advocacy Center, Inc.

Window of Hope - Clinical Therapy Services
To reduce the trauma to children and their families by offering a comprehensive, professional, and child-friendly approach to allegations of child abuse.

United States, USD $20,000 | 2023

Wellspring Living

Supporting Child Victims of Sex Trafficking Through Case Management, Clinical, and Residential Treatment Services
The goal of programming is to reduce trauma symptoms and increase the well-being of victims, leading to decreased vulnerability to re-exploitation in the future through trauma-informed care and a participant-centered approach.

Canada, CAD $25,000 | 2023

Victim Services of Durham Region (VSDR)

Human Trafficking Intervention and Prevention Supports (HIPS)
Survivors will be connected to resources and supports; and the number of survivors we support annually will increase.

Cayman Islands, KYD $20,000 | 2023

YMCA of the Cayman Islands

YMCA Prevent & Protect
Child abuse prevention; and increasing the prevention skills of YMCA staff, volunteers and the youth, in identifying, preventing and reporting child abuse and neglect.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2023

The Alex Panton Foundation

Kids Helpline and Chatline
To improve the mental health of our youth and provide 24/7 on line access to trained volunteers.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2023

National Children's Voluntary Organisation (NCVO)

Special Education Tutor/Mentor
To hire a Tutor/Mentor to support the needs of children in Foster Care.

Cayman Islands, KYD $23,500 | 2023

Family Resource Centre - Dept. of Counselling Services

Young Parent Services
To provide prevention and intervention services to young parents between the age of 13 and 25 over the course of 1-1.5 years in order to reduce risk factors that contribute to the prevalence of child abuse and neglect.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2023

Department of Children and Family Services

Youth After Care Support
To provide these young persons who are transitioning from the foster care system with all the necessary resources needed so they can become successful citizens of the Cayman Islands; and contribute in a meaningful way to the national workforce.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2023

Children & Youth Services (CAYS) Foundation

Family Support Programme
To assist families in developing healthy, stable supportive home environments that will allow children in the residential home a smooth and safe reintegration to family homes.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2023

Cayman Islands Red Cross

Protection Starts Here
To increase targets populations' knowledge of child sexual & emotional abuse.

Cayman Islands, KYD $10,000 | 2023

Cayman Islands Health Services Authority

Child Abuse Intervention & Treatment Program
To provide interventions and treatment programs to child victims of abuse.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2023

Cayman Islands Early Childhood Association

Cayman Islands Early Child Development Hub
An Anchor Institution for Excellence, Equity and Advocacy in Early Child Development in the Cayman Islands while supporting local teacher training programs specific to ECD.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2023

Cayman Islands Crisis Centre

TAYA Lounge – Children and Youth Abuse Prevention and Awareness Programme
To end the generational cycle of abuse.

Cayman Islands, KYD $25,500 | 2023

Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Cayman Islands

Community Mentoring
To increase mentoring services offered to children, youth and young adults and expand mentoring programmes in Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac.

United States, USD $20,000 | 2023

Blue Sky Bridge

Blue Sky Bridge: School-Based Prevention Education Program
To achieve our goal of ending child abuse and child sexual abuse, Blue Sky Bridge’s School-Based Prevention Education program empowers 5,500 children every year and educates over 1,000 caring, concerned, trusted adults in the community annually, providing curriculum, training, resources, and outreach materials that affirm bodily safety, personal space, and safe and unsafe touch.

United States, USD $25,000 | 2023

Denver Children’s Advocacy Center

Denver Safe from the Start
To prevent child abuse and family violence while fostering healthy childhood development and readiness to learn.

Asia, HKD 330,000 | 2023

ChickenSoup Foundation

Project SOUL Care
To prevent the intergenerational cycle of abuse by further healing family traumas and equipping parents with the necessary parenting knowledge and skills

Asia, HKD 375,000 | 2023

Equal Justice Limited

Providing legal solutions to vulnerable families and their children at risk of abuse
Free legal support for disadvantaged vulnerable children and their families

Asia, HKD 150,000 | 2023

OneSky Foundation Limited

Child Protection and Safeguarding Training & Knowledge Sharing
Help our NGO partners to realise their duty of care towards children and take active steps to create a community that prioritises children’s wellbeing

Asia, HKD 150,000 | 2023

The Zubin Mahtani Gidumal Foundation Limited

Social Emotional Training Series for Ethnic Minority Children (Part II)
To train ethnic minority children with social emotional skills so as to build their resilience

United States, USD $50,000 | 2023

Family Paths

Parent Education Program: Positive Parenting and Fatherhood Project
To educe and prevent child abuse and neglect and improve the overall wellbeing of children and families by promoting and strengthening the protective factors, effective co-parenting and communication skills and positive parenting strategies.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2023

Friends of Alameda County CASA Inc.

Transition-Age Youth Expansion Project
To support an additional 5% of CASA volunteers who can provide mentorship, coaching, and advocacy for youth as early as age 15 through their transition out of foster care at age 21 by assisting them in completing their secondary education, finding employment, seeking higher education and post-high school training, securing stable living environments and ensuring that basic needs are met during the difficult transition from system-dependency to independence.

United States, USD $35,000 | 2023

Homeless Children's Network

Ma'at Families Mental Health & Wellness Groups Pilot
To provide innovative, Afri-centric group support for marginalized Black/African American children, youth, and parents/caregivers through Homeless Children's Network’s (HCN's) groundbreaking Ma'at Program—which is working to help strengthen and empower families, increase equity of access, and improve mental health and wellness outcomes for Black/African American children, youth, and families in San Francisco.

Asia, HK$ 150,000 | 2022

OneSky Foundation

Hong Kong Family Skills Training

HFC funds training in responsive caregiving and holistic early childhood development to improve early childhood knowledge and skills of low-income parents.

Asia, HK$ 135,560 | 2022

Zubin Foundation

Social Emotional Training Series for Ethnic Minority Children

HFC supports social emotional skill training for ethnic minority children to build their resilience.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

Blythedale Children's Hospital

Child and Family Education Program

The program provides support to the caregivers of 30 low-income children with medical complexity who are at risk for abuse or neglect.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

Court Appointed Special Advocates of New York City

Pregnant and Parenting Youth Initiative

The program aims to increase the safety and stability of 40 pregnant and parenting youth and their young families and to reduce the risk of child abuse/neglect and foster care placement of children born to youth who have experienced foster care.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

Deirdre O'Brien Child Advocacy Center Inc.

Clinical Counseling for Child Victims of Abuse and Neglect 

The program aims to reduce symptomology (i.e., self-harm, sexualized behavior, suicidal ideation), prevent revictimization, and successfully eliminate signs of trauma in 50 child victims.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

Fostering Change for Children

Children’s Corps

HFC supports the improvement of safety & permanency outcomes for 1,200 children, youth, and families; the increase of the retention of 100 frontline child welfare professionals; and the infusion of 15 child welfare and human service systems with future leaders.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

Graham Windham

Family Success Initiative

The program aims to keep children and families safe and make sure that they have what they need to thrive.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

Love 146

U.S. Survivor Care Program

Long-Term Services and Rapid Responses to provide 150 services that help 115 children and their families/caregivers understand, respond, and recover from the impact of child trafficking and exploitation.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

The New York Foundling

School-Based Mental Health Services

The program reduces risk factors for abuse and trauma among 500 families with identified needs related to children’s behavioral health and wellbeing; supports 11 schools by raising awareness of risk factors and symptoms of child abuse and neglect; and provides 1,000 students or families to access workshops and psychoeducation resources offered on a schoolwide basis at 11 schools.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

Power of Two

Responsive Parenting & Community Resilience

The program collaboratively engages 23 caregiver-child dyads to address the root causes of trauma by centering the community experience and decolonizing parenting through 10 weeks of parent coaching programs using the Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) and community healing approaches.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

The Child Center of NY

Development of Parenting Skills for Underserved Immigrant Populations 

The program helps 150 parents reduce parenting stress, improves parent-child relationships, and adopts positive parenting practices—to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect.

United States, $29,857 | 2022

The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc.

Parenting Journey Groups for Preventive Services 

The program uses family systems concepts to help to improve parenting skills and family relationships of 48 families.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

The Korean-American Family Service Center, Inc.

Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Program

The program aims to reduce, prevent, and intervene in child abuse within the Asian and Korean American community in the New York Tri‐State area. This year, the program will serve 40 parents through 200 educational sessions.

Canada, $30,000 | 2022

Victim Services Durham Region

Human Trafficking Intervention & Prevention Supports (HIPS)

HFC supports the provision of a full time Human Trafficking Crisis Intervention Counsellor at VSDR to ensure all human trafficking survivors are connected to trauma-informed resources and supports.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2022

Cayman Island Crisis Centre

Teen and Young Adult (TAYA) Lounge

The program aims to empower and support the youth by providing basic needs, positive role modeling, information, and on-going assistance via case management, mentoring, group work, advocacy etc.

Cayman Islands, KYD $10,450 | 2022

Cayman Islands Red Cross

Protection Starts Here

The program provides continuity to the expansion of the training offering via the introduction of Darkness to Light’s “Recognising and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect” module and invests in ongoing capacity building initiatives by up-skilling the PSH Programme Coordinator through participation and certification of the Praesidium Guardian programme.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2022

Children and Youth Services (CAYS) Foundation

Family Support Program

The programme seeks to assist families in developing healthy stable supportive home environments by working with the family to set goals to get the youth back home and keeps the family together and providing assistance in accessing services and effective coordination among service providers.

Cayman Islands, KYD $29,500 | 2022

Family Resource Centre-Dept. Of Counselling Services

Family Recource Center

HFC suppotrs the delivery of the intervention and preventative parenting services, addressing some of the barriers experienced by this vulnerable group, by meeting some of their basic needs though monthly stipends, securing sponsorship for free childcare and free transportation in order to attend parenting programs, therapeutic services, employment training and opportunities.

Cayman Islands, KYD $12,550 | 2022

Health Services Authority

Child Abuse Intervention & Treatment Program

The program’s targets all children presenting to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Services. It aims to improve the efficiency of the diagnostic process by using standardized, validated instruments to screen for potentially co-morbid disorders in new patients, and to monitor treatment response at pre-determined intervals.

Cayman Islands, KYD $22,500 | 2022

YMCA of The Cayman Islands

YMCA Prvent & Protect

The program aims to create a community that openly acknowledges the prevalence of child abuse and neglect.

United States, $20,000 | 2022

Advocates for Bartow’s Children,Inc.

Hope in Your Home

The program aims to end the cycle of child maltreatment by providing families with preventive strategies through home visitation.

United States, $20,000 | 2022

Ser Familia

Mental Health Services for Latino Children and Youth who have Experienced Trauma

The project provides comprehensive wrap-around services and care coordination to Latino victims and their children, providing a range of behavioral and mental health therapies for clients who require a multidisciplinary approach.

United States, $23,872 | 2022

Children’s Research Triangle

Family MIND

HFC supports the provision of psychoeducation, intensive clinical case management for caregivers, and intensive consultation for at least one A House in Austin staff regarding trauma, youth mental illness and secondary traumatic stress on mental health workers.

United States, $23,872 | 2022

Imagination Theater

Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Program

The program aims at educating students and staff about sexual harm and how to respond if the safety of a student has been compromised.

United States, $23,872 | 2022

Teen Parent Connection

Young Father Engagement Project

HFC supports the provision of individualized parenting education and support for young fathers by engaging them through case management, therapeutic counseling, parent groups, and home visiting services to meet their immediate and long-term needs.

United States, $23,872 | 2022

Young Center for Immigrant

Technical Assistance Program (TAP)

The program serves immigrant children who are multi-system involved by fostering collaboration across systems to provide culturally sensitive and trauma-informed consultations and resources for those working with multi-system involved immigrant children.

United States, $20,000 | 2022

Denver Children’s Advocacy Center

Denver Safe from the Start

The program aims to prevent child abuse and family violence and foster healthy childhood development by reaching high-risk families of young children.

United States, $20,000 | 2022

Front Range Center for Assault Prevention

Child Assault Prevention Program/TeenCAP Program

HFC supports the provision of assault prevention education and advocacy to reduce children's vulnerability to abuse through assault prevention education and skill trainning, and increase school/gauardians/community awareness of child abuse.

United States, $30,000 | 2022

Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County

Speak up Be Safe (SUBS)

The program prevents and interrupts child abuse (physical, emotional and sexual abuse and neglect), bullying, cyberbullying and sexual harassment and to teach technology safety.

United States, $50,000 | 2022

Family Paths, Inc.

Parent Education Program: Positive Parenting & Fatherhood Project

The program aims to reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect and improve the overall wellbeing of children and families by promoting and strengthening the protective factors, effective co-parenting and communication skills and positive parenting strategies.

United States, $23,000 | 2022

John Burton Advocates for Youth

Bay Area Foster Youth FAFSA Challenge

The initiative aims to increase access to post-secondary education for foster youth in the Bay Area by substantially increasing their rate of completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA).

United States, $50,000 | 2022

La Casa de las Madres

Emergency Shelter Family-based Services

To empower 190 domestic survivors of all ages (75 families) with hope, support, and resources to build and sustain healthy, vibrant, joyful lives free from violence and abuse.

United States, $25,000 | 2022

WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Personal Supplies for Foster Youth

The goal is to purchase items that have personal significance to children that can be used in a therapeutic way while they are on-site and that they can take to their new home.

United Kingdom, £24,963 | 2022


Participation Team Enhancement

The program supports young women affected by gangs and county lines, trafficking for sexual or criminal exploitation, abuse and violence to create a new identity for themselves that is based in competence and skills.

United Kingdom, £44,418 | 2022

Dandelion Time

Restoring Hope to Children Impacted by Abuse

The program supports children aged 5-14 suffering from serious emotional and behavioural difficulties caused by physical, emotional, sexual and/or domestic violence with long-lasting systemic therapeutic model.

United Kingdom, £39,990 | 2022

Kids Inspire

Talk Together

HFC funds the provision bespoke therapeutic support to enable children and young people who have experienced abuse to move forward and live fulfilling lives.

United Kingdom, £20,000 | 2022

The Mulberry Bush

The Development of Social and Emotional Adjustment Scale

HFC funds the research work on 'emotional security' of learners in the classroom to a range of learning materials to be used as part of the Social and Emotional Adjustment measure.

United Kingdom, £30,000 | 2022


Youth Violence Intervention Programme

HFC funds the trauma-informed service program which empowers young victims of violence to break their cycle of violence by providing safe accommodation, creating and setting goals for the future, employment and education, developing soft skills,etc.

United Kingdom, £32,662 | 2022

Safer London

Family & Community Worker

HFC funds the work with young people (aged 13-25) and their families to improve their safety in their current home and prevent their need to move by closely liaising with social landlords managing specific estates, community groups and other local support services.

United Kingdom, £25,000 | 2022

The Children's Society

HEARTS - Meet and Greet

HFC funds the provision of emotional and practical support to women and children from refugee and migrant backgrounds who are living in temporary accommodation.

United States, $10,000 | 2021

Advocates for Bartow's Children, Inc.

Hope in Your Home

The program aims to end the cycle of child maltreatment by providing families with preventive strategies through home visitation.

United States, $20,000 | 2021

Georgia Care Connection Office, Inc.

Emergency Response and Assistance for Victims of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking

The program aims to support responding to toxic stress through Prevention, Education & Outreach. The education program is helping adults recover from this trauma, and easing toxic stress throughout Georgia communities.

United States, $10,000 | 2021

Partnership Against Domestic Violence

Counseling for Children Traumatized by Domestic Violence

The goal is to provide 148 additional counseling hours for the children and teens who have been traumatized by domestic violence.

United States, $10,000 | 2021

Ser Familia, Inc.

Mental Health Services for Latino Children and Youth who have Experienced Trauma

The project provides comprehensive wrap-around services and care coordination to Latino victims and their children, providing a range of behavioral and mental health therapies for clients who require a multidisciplinary approach.

United States, $25,000 | 2021

Children’s Home & Aid

Doula Program

The program aims to reduce the risk of child abuse and neglect and build strong parent-child attachment between young mothers and their babies by providing case managerment services, counselling/ therapy and group work.

United States, $25,000 | 2021

Children’s Research Triangle

Family MIND

The focus is on psychoeducation, intensive clinical case management for caregivers, and intensive consultation regarding trauma, youth mental illness and secondary traumatic stress on mental health workers.

United States, $25,000 | 2021

Imagination Theater

No Secrets; Children’s Sexual Abuse Prevention Program

Educating students and staff about sexual harm and how to respond if the safety of a student has been compromised

United States, $25,000 | 2021

International Organization for Adolescents

Human Trafficking of Youth with Disabilities Outreach Project

To increase identification, prevention, appropriate services for youth with disabilities who have experienced human trafficking.

United States, $25,000 | 2021

Teen Parent Connection

Young Father Engagement Project

To provide young fathers with individualized parenting education and support by engaging them through case management, therapeutic counseling, parent groups, and home visiting services to meet their immediate and long-term needs

United States, $25,000 | 2021

Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights

Support for Young Center Immigrant Child Resource Center

The Immigrant Child Resource Center (ICRC) will leverage our expertise at the intersection of immigration and child welfare law to consult on complex cases involving immigrant children or U.S. children of undocumented parents in the domestic child welfare system.

United States, $20,000 | 2021

Denver Children's Advocacy Center

Denver Safe from the Start

The program aims to prevent child abuse and family violence and foster healthy childhood development by reaching high-risk families of young children.

United States, $15,000 | 2021

Front Range Center for Assault Prevention

Child Assault Prevention Program/TeenCAP Program

Reduction of vulnerability, decrease risk, increase awareness and support by making the prevention of interpersonal violence a community effort and providing prevention education to adults/children as the primary key in the prevention of assault

United States, $15,000 | 2021

The Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking Training and Education Program

To deliver anti-trafficking trainings to targeted professional groups and diverse community audiances across Colorado

United States, $20,000 | 2021

The Alliance for Children's Rights

Transition Age Foster Youth Program

To provide advocacy services to TAY to clear barriers to independence; train TAY and relevant professionals in order to promote access to resources and services forTAY; and provide materials, training, and one-on-one coaching to outside organizations to help them launch new mentorship programs to support current and former foster youth

United States, $20,000 | 2021

Westside Infant-Family Network

In-Home Mental Health Therapy Program

WIN partners with families to repair caregiver-child relationships while children’s brains are still forming through its Child Development, Child Secure Attachment, and Parental Stress programs.

United States, $30,000 | 2021

Blythedale Children's Hospital

The Peony Project

To provide intensive child life services to patients at Blythedale who have experienced abuse and/or neglect. By extension, the program also provides support to the child’s parents, caregivers, or foster family

United States, $30,000 | 2021

Court Appointed Special Advocates of New York City

Pregnant and Parenting Youth Initiative

To increase the safety and stability of pregnant and parenting youth and their young families, and to reduce the risk of child abuse/neglect and foster care placement of children born to youth who have experienced foster care.

United States, $30,000 | 2021

Deirdre O'Brien Child Advocacy Center Inc.

Bi-Lingual Clinical Counseling for Child Victims of Abuse and/or Neglect

To reduce symptomology (i.e. self-harm, sexualized behavior, suicidal ideation), preventing revictimization, and successfully eliminating signs of trauma in child victims

United States, $30,000 | 2021

Fostering Change for Children

Children’s Corps

To improve safety & permanency outcomes for children, youth & families, to increase retention of frontline child welfare professionals, to infuse child welfare & human service systems with future leaders

United States, $30,000 | 2021

Graham Windham

Family Success Initiative

To keep children and families safe and make sure that they have what they need to thrive

United States, $30,000 | 2021

Love 146

U.S. Survivor Care Program

To provide services that help children and their families/caregivers understand, respond, and recover from the impact of child trafficking and exploitation

United States, $30,000 | 2021

The New York Foundling

School-Based Mental Health Services

To reduce risk factors for abuse and trauma through mental health services

United States, $30,000 | 2021

Power of Two Project of The Fund for The City of New York

Power of Two: Responsive Parenting & Community Resilience

To provide twenty caregiver-child dyads with the Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-Up (ABC) program and help improve outcomes for both parent and child

United States, $30,000 | 2021

The Child Center of NY

Operation Parenting

To help Asian American parents (Chinese, Bengali and Korean) improve parent-child relationships, enhance parents' problem solving and positive parenting skills, and reduce risk of child abuse and neglect

United States, $29,757 | 2021

The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc.

Parenting Journey Groups for Preventive Services

To engage parents who participate in the groups to have more insight, raise awareness of the past and present factors that influence their parenting styles, enhance their parenting skills, and utilize their strengths to increase their ability to nurture themselves and their children

United States, $30,000 | 2021

The Korean-American Family Service Center, Inc.

Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Program

To reduce, prevent, and intervene in child abuse within the Asian and Korean American community in the New York Tri-State area

United States, $30,000 | 2021

You Gotta Believe! The Older Child Adoption & Permanency Movement, Inc.

Adoption Competent Therapy

To help youth heal from past trauma, keep families together, and to help them form healthy, loving relationships

United States, $35,000 | 2021

Edgewood Center for Children and Families

Ending the Cycle of Trauma: The STRTP Family Partner Program

To reduce risk factors and increase protective factors for child abuse among the children who are admitted to the short term residential therapeutic program

United States, $35,000 | 2021

Family Paths, Inc.

Parent Education Program: Positive Parenting & Fatherhood Project

To reduce and prevent child abuse and neglect and improve the overall wellbeing of children and families by promoting and strengthening the protective factors, effective co-parenting and communication skills and positive parenting strategies

United States, $30,000 | 2021

First Place for Youth

The Healthy Transitions Project for Parents

To equip 160 pregnant and parenting youth in Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, and Solano Counties with the tools needed to create nurturing environments and bright futures for their children

United States, $15,000 | 2021

John Burton Advocates for Youth

Bay Francisco Bay Area

To increase access to post-secondary education for foster youth in the Bay Area by substantially increasing their rate of completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

United States, $35,000 | 2021

La Casa de las Madres

Emergency Shelter Family-based Services

To empower 190 domestic survivors of all ages (75 families) with hope, support, and resources to build and sustain healthy, vibrant, joyful lives free from violence and abuse

United States, $35,000 | 2021

National Center for Youth Law

Compassionate Systems for Youth in Contra Costa County

To improve the educational trajectories of youth who are involved with the child welfare system, experiencing homelessness or who are on probation

United States, $30,000 | 2021

Safe & Sound

Safe & Sound's 2021-2022 COVID-19 Response

To buld families' Protective Factors to disrupt cycles of poverty, trauma, and abuse--and to provide stabilizing support for families in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic

United States, $20,000 | 2021

San Francisco Court Appointed Special Advocates

Juvenile Justice Program

To improve the outcomes for abused or neglected juvenile-justice involved youth by connecting them with a CASA who is supported by SFCASA key staff to facilitate completion of probation, support education completion, reduce recidivism and ensure appropriate housing placement for minors and non-minors

United States, $35,000 | 2021

Center for Youth Wellness

Creating Healthier Furtures for Children Exposed to Childhood Abuse and Adversity

To prevent and build resilience to the effects of abuse and other Adverse Childhood Experiences

Canada, CAD $35,315 | 2021

Boost Child & Youth Advocacy Centre

Caregiver Support Program

The program provides support to caregivers, typically mothers, to strengthen their ability to support their child(ren) in trauma therapy.

Canada, CAD $40,000 | 2021

Kids Help Phone

Brighter Days Indigenous Wellness Program, Child Abuse Module

The program focuses on healthy relationships between adults and children that would raise awareness of what abuse is, how to avoid it, how to help a friend, and how to contact Kids Help Phone or other quality support services for help. Through the program, Indigenous youth in the GTA (ages 8-29) will learn how to recognize signs of abuse and how to avoid it.

Canada, CAD $39,000 | 2021

Victim Services Durham Region

Say No More

The project aims at increasing knowledge and changing behavior of the youth in care, and increasing knowledge and skills of the group home staff in identifying and responding to trafficking.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2021

Cayman Island Crisis Centre

Teen and Young Adult (TAYA) Lounge

Empower and support the youth by providing basic needs, positive role modeling, information, and on-going assistance via case management, mentoring, group work, advocacy etc.

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2021

Cayman Islands Red Cross

Protection Starts Here

The project is intended to address the unchallenged social and cultural norms which protects perpetrators of violence against children within area shores via the implementation of the Darkness to Light public training schedule, the delivery of the policy development workshop, etc..

Cayman Islands, KYD $30,000 | 2021

Children and Youth Services (CAYS) Foundation

Family Support Program

The program assists families in developing healthy stable supportive home environments by working with the family to set goals to get the youth back home and keeping the family together, providing assistance in accessing services and effective coordination among service providers, etc.

Cayman Islands, KYD $18,500 | 2021

Family Resource Centre-Dept. Of Counselling Services

Family Resource Centre (FRC)

Through the delivery of the intervention and preventative parenting services, FRC works diligently to support clients in addressing some of the barriers experienced by this vulnerable group, by meeting some of their basic needs though monthly stipends, securing sponsorship for free childcare and free transportation in order to attend parenting programs, therapeutic services, employment training and opportunities.

Cayman Islands, KYD $9,237 | 2021

Health Services Authority

Child Abuse Intervention & Treatment Program

The program’s targets all children presenting to the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Services  to improve the efficiency of the diagnostic process by using standardized, validated instruments to screen for potentially co-morbid disorders in new patients, and also to monitor treatment response at pre-determined intervals (individualized to the patient) using standardized, validated symptom measures to track progress and readily identify emerging concerns.

Cayman Islands, KYD $20,000 | 2021

YMCA of The Cayman Islands

YMCA Prevent & Protect

The program aims to create a community that openly acknowledges the prevalence of child abuse and neglect and is equipped with the skills needed to ‘prevent and protect’ against child abuse and neglect.

United Kingdom, £17,000 | 2021


Internships and Operational Support

This project aims to provide 4-month internships to aged 16-24 affected by gangs and county lines to equip them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to move on to other meaningful paid employment.

United Kingdom, £18,000 | 2021

Dandelion Time

Restoring Hope to Abused Children

HFC funds the provision of surveys, one-to-one counseling therapies and family visits to reduce the trauma of 5,500 under-privileged children aged 7-13 who are at risk of domestic abuse, mental health problems or substance dependency.

United Kingdom, £13,500 | 2021

Kids Inspire

Talk Together

HFC funds the bespoke therapeutic support for children and young people age 0-25 years who are affected by trauma by matching them with the therapist and intervention(s) that best meets their needs.

United Kingdom, £18,000 | 2021

The Mulberry Bush

The Development of Social and Emotional Adjustment Scale

HFC funds the research work on 'emotional security' of learners in the classroom to a range of learning materials to be used as part of the Social and Emotional Adjustment measure.

United Kingdom, £18,000 | 2021


Youth Violence Intervention Programme

HFC funds the trauma-informed service program which empowers young victims of violence to break their cycle of violence by providing safe accommodation, creating and setting goals for the future, employment and education, developing soft skills,etc.

United Kingdom, £18,000 | 2021

Safer London

Empower: Support for Young People Affected by Exploitation and Abuse

The program aims to support young people gain confidence and self-esteem, and start to alleviate some of the negative emotional impacts of sexual abuse and/or violence. Recipients learn about the impact of trauma, coping skills and self-care tools, safety and exploring what a healthy relationship is.

Canada, CAD $28,000 | 2020

Native Child and Family Services of Toronto

Keep Vulnerable Aboriginal Children In Toronto Connected and Safe

A community-based response to COVID-19 which includes one 6-month grant for 2020-2021 grant year

Canada, CAD $50,000 | 2020

Victim Services of Durham Region

COVID-19 HT Response & Supporting Parents in the Ending Child Trafficking (SPECT)

*Includes two 6-month periods for 2020-2021 grant year

Cayman Islands, KYD $25,000 | 2020

The Cayman Islands Crisis Center (CICC)

TAYA Lounge

TAYA is the Crisis Centre's Teen and Young Adult lounge, a drop-in center that provides a safe space for at-risk youth; includes one 6-month grant for 2020-2021 grant year

Cayman Islands, KYD $34,000 | 2020

Cayman Islands Red Cross

Mobile Health & Wellness Checks for Vulnerable Children & Protection Starts Here

COVID-19 response program & virtual child abuse prevention training pilot project; includes two 6-month grant periods for 2020-2021 grant year

Cayman Islands, KYD $5,000 | 2020

Department of Children and Family Services

Habakkuk House: Sensory Room

Safe learning space where at-risk children with physical and mental disabilities can be with DCFS staff for learning, therapy and sensory activities;  includes one 6-month grant for 2020-2021 grant year

Cayman Islands, KYD $20,000 | 2020

Department of Counselling Services (DCS)

Family Resource Centre (FRC)

Prevention/intervention services to address teenage behavioral, emotional and developmental problems by enhancing parents' skills and confidence;  includes one 6-month grant for 2020-2021 grant year

Cayman Islands, KYD $10,000 | 2020

Inclusion Cayman (formerly Special Needs Foundation)

COVID-19 Response to Vulnerable Groups

Needs assessment survey to better address material and service needs of vulnerable children with disabilities and their families; includes one 6-month grant for 2020-2021 grant year

Cayman Islands, KYD $20,000 | 2020

National Council of Volunteer Organisations (NCVO)

Trauma Sensitive Approach to the Care and Education of Early Childhood & Group Home Residents

*An organisation-wide program; includes one 6-month grant

Cayman Islands, KYD $10,000 | 2020

YMCA of the Cayman Islands

YMCA Prevent & Protect

Provides at-risk youth and families with social and emotional skills needed to navigate COVID-19 crisis and learn about child protection; includes one 6-month grant for 2020-2021 grant year

United Kingdom, £30,600 | 2020


Abianda Young Trainer Programme & Internship Programme

An intensive training programme for high risk and high vulnerability gang-affected young women and girls to increase resiliency and self-efficacy; includes two 6-month grants for 2020-2021 grant year

United States, USD $15,000 | 2020

Georgia Cares

Supporting Child Victims of Sex Trafficking Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

*includes two 6-month grants for 2020-2021 grant year

United States, USD $22,000 | 2020

Georgia Center for Child Advocacy

Prevention Team Response to COVID-19 & Hispanic Prevention Outreach Initiative

*includes two 6-month grants for 2020-2021 grant year

United States, USD $17,000 | 2020

SafePath Children's Advocacy Center

Hope in Action & Forensic Interview Response to Child Victims of Abuse during COVID-19 Pandemic

*includes two 6-month grants for 2020-2021 grant year

United States, USD $20,000 | 2019

Children's Bureau of Southern California

Family Enrichment Program

HFC funds support the salaries of all program staff as well as ancillary costs.

United States, USD $20,000 | 2019

First Place Youth

The Healthy Transitions Project for Parents

HFC funds support the resident manager and two youth advocates as well as ancillary costs.

United States, USD $50,000 | 2019

Blythedale Children's Hospital

HFC supports the Child Life Specialists to provide psychosocial support for chronically abused children as they prepare to transition out of the hospital setting.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2019

Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of New York

YTC/Pregnant and Parenting Youth Initiative

HFC supports Pregnant and Parenting Youth Specialists to provide self-sufficiency services for older foster youth that are in or aged out of foster care who are pregnant or parenting and their children.

United States, USD $55,000 | 2019

Graham Windham

Family Success Initiative (Family Coaching)

HFC supports a Family Success Supervisor and Family Coach providing individual parent coaching and parent peer support groups for families involved in the child welfare system.

United States, USD $50,000 | 2019

The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services

The Brownsville Child Development Center

HFC supports a Community Outreach Coordinator at a trauma-informed, family-centered service hub that provides screenings, home visits, and clinical services for at-risk children ages 0 to 5.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

Deirdre O'Brien Child Advocacy Center (Dierdre's House)

Clinical Counseling Program for Child Victims of Physical and Sexual Abuse or Neglect

HFC funds support a clinical counselor providing trauma-focused clinical counseling to child victims of sexual assault.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

Korean American Family Service Center, Inc. (KAFSC)

Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention Program

HFC funds support the clinical staff in reducing trauma and preventing child abuse of Asian child and youth victims in New York to build safer and healthier families.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2019


CT Survivor Care Program

HFC funds support program staff in providing long-term services and rapid response, one-time intervention services related to human trafficking.

United States, USD $50,000 | 2019

Power of Two

Birthparent Programming 

HFC funds support the Parent Coach in providing court-mandated parent training through evidence-based home visiting to children who have been the subject of an abuse or neglect claim.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2019

Center of the Study of Social Policy

BraveVoices: Helping Westchester Youth Thrive

HFC funds support education and advocacy projects with the goal of increasing youth-centered policies that achieve positive outcomes for young people in or exiting foster care in Westchester County.

United States, USD $50,000 | 2019

Fostering Change for Children

Children’s Corps

HFC funds support Children's Corps, a program enhancing NYC’s child welfare workforce by infusing the field with dedicated caseworkers to directly influence outcomes for children, youth, and families.

United States, USD $35,000 | 2019

Columbia University School of Social Work

Identification of Child Maltreatment using Machine Learning: A Medicaid Claims Application

HFC funds support the project manager and the project consultant working to develop a machine learning algorithm to reduce physician uncertainty when reporting child abuse and neglect.

United States, USD $40,000 | 2019

Rowan University Foundation on behalf of the CARES Institue

Child Abuse Research Education & Service (CARES) Institute TF-CBT Research Project

HFC funds support the research team for the project as well as ancillary costs.

United States, USD $35,000 | 2019

The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights

Mitigating Trauma in Detained Immigrant Children with Post-Release Support

HFC funds support the program staff as well as ancillary costs.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

Child Abuse Prevention Council of Contra Costa County

Speak Up Be Safe

HFC funds will support an age-appropriate child safety program for elementary school students providing child abuse prevention services to at-risk kids and families of Contra Costa County.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

East Bay Children's Law Offices

AB 12 Project: Making Extended Foster Care Work

HFC supports a staff attorney to provide legal and educational advocacy to transition age, non-minor dependent youth in the foster care system.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

Edgewood Center for Children and Families

Family Partner Program

HFC supports the Family Partner to reach out to parents and caregivers whose children have been brought to the Child Triage and Assessment Center in the midst of a psychiatric or family crisis.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

First Place Youth

Healthy Transitions Project for Parents

HFC supports weekly intensive case management support, parenting workshops, and ongoing education and employment support for at-risk pregnant and parenting youth.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

La Casa de las Madres

Emergency Shelter Family-Based Services

HFC supports direct service staff and the Shelter Manager to provide case management and mental health services for mothers and children surviving domestic violence and child abuse.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting and Serving

Intensive Life Coaching for Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

HFC supports staff to provide intensive life coaching, life skills development services, and referrals for female youth who are victims or survivors of commercial sexual exploitation.

United States, USD $30,000 | 2019

Center of Youth Wellness

Creating Healthier Futures for Children Exposed to Childhood Abuse and Adversity

HFC funds support clinical services for children, youth, and their caregivers in the Bayview District who exhibit or are at risk of physical or emotional distress due to Adverse Childhood Experiences.

United Kingdom, £34,000 | 2019

Home Start Lambeth

Ending Abuse Project

HFC funds support the Senior Project Coordinator to train volunteers to conduct weekly support sessions for at-risk families with children under the age of 5.

United Kingdom, £36,000 | 2019

Imara CIC

Letting the Future In

HFC funds support Trauma Care Practitioners in providing therapy using the Letting the Future In (LTFI) model  for children, teens and young adults who have been affected by child sexual abuse.

United Kingdom, £34,000 | 2019

The Marie Collins Foundation

Path to Protection Training Programme

HFC funds support a training programme for professionals working with children at risk of or victims of online abuse to increase competency in managing  online abuse cases and ensure child safeguarding.

United Kingdom, £22,000 | 2019

The Mulberry Bush

A Degree in Therapeutic Work With Children and Young People

HFC funds support training for care, treatment and education staff in a foundational degree in therapeutic work with children and young people to provide children with the best possible treatment.

United Kingdom, £40,000 | 2019

Safer London


HFC funds support a part-time Young People's Advocate to provide one-on-one support sessions to young women who are at risk of or experiencing child sexual exploitation and abuse.

United States, USD $10,000 | 2019

Front Range Center for Assault Prevention

Child Assault Prevention/TeenCAP Program

HFC supports the Program Facilitators to provide a classroom-based abuse and violence prevention program for children and adolescents.

United States, USD $5,000 | 2019

The Blue Bench

Pathway to Prevention: Youth Sexual Assault Prevention Programs

HFC supports the Pathway to Prevention Director and Coordinator in providing sexual assault prevention education to middle school, high school and college-aged youth to prevent sexual assault.

United States, USD $10,000 | 2019

Denver Children's Advocacy Center

Denver Safe from the Start Program

HFC supports the Program Director in providing school-based education to children ages 3-8, their parents and teachers to prevent child abuse and foster healthy childhood development.

United States, USD $5,000 | 2019

Florence Crittenton Services of Colorado

Child Abuse Prevention for Teen Families

HFC funds support the Parenting Education Specialist  who provide parenting classes customized for teen mothers, as well as employee fringe benefits.

United States, USD $25,000 | 2019

Casa of Los Angeles

Essential History Project

HFC funds help develop essential history reports to 100 children and youth in LA County's Dependency Care System.

Asia, HKD $100,000 | 2018

Against Child Abuse

Child Protection and Treatment Project - Happy Child Starting From Home

HFC supports a registered social worker/trainer to provide therapeutic groups for abused children, parent education programs for abusive parents, and professional child protection training.

Asia, HKD $90,008 | 2018

Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children

Guardian Angels to Infants in CRH

HFC supports a program officer and social worker to provide services for children, 0-3, at the HKSPC Children’s Residential Home and their parents.

United States, USD $20,727 | 2018

Children's Research Triangle

Family MIND (Moving in New Directions) at New Moms

HFC supports the provision of therapeutic mental health services addressing the needs of New Moms’ at-risk homeless teen mothers and children, psycho-education groups, and staff training.

United States, USD $39,250 | 2018

Safe Families for Children Alliance

Safe Families for Children

HFC supports Case Coaches to support host families that help families in crisis by opening their homes, mentoring, and/or meeting basic needs, as well as the families in crises.

United States, USD $17,500 | 2018

Primo Center for Women and Children

Home Visiting for Primo Families

HFC supports the clinical services and early childhood development team to provide home-based parenting skills training for high-risk families with young children.

United States, USD $39,250 | 2018

Teen Parent Connection

Home Visiting for Dads

HFC supports staff that serve young father ages 12-25 in delivering individualized education and support services through weekly intensive home visiting services.

United States, USD $24,773 | 2018

Brave Research Lab University of Notre Dame

Evaluating the Effect of Prenatal Intervention for Intimate Partner Violence on Infant Health

Decreasing the negative effects of prenatal intimate partner violence on infant well being by using Mom's Empowerment Program, adapted for pregnant women.

United States, USD $39,250 | 2018

Children's Home + Aid

Doula Program

Intensive support throughout and post pregnancy for young mothers utilizing the Parents As Teachers parenting curriculum and home visiting.

United States, USD $39,250 | 2018

Casa Central Social Services

Safe Start

HFC funds support long-term therapy for families to reduce the negative impact of various forms of trauma in children from birth to age 5, therapy for parents/caregivers and training for staff.

United States, USD $39,250 | 2018

Youth Guidance

STRIVE (Strategies to Rejuvenate Interest and Value in Education)

HFC funds support youth who have been declared wards of the state and entered the foster care system through integrating support systems within the school environment to help address abuse/neglect.